Samstag, 28. Juli 2012

Opening Ceremony London 2012 Olympic Games

What an amazing show indeed.

Danny Boyle's hand right from the beginning - he has a thing with bells....huge bells!!
He really did a great job and I'm thankful that I had the opertunity to meet him even if it was for a very brief moment at the stagedoor of the National Theatre in London. I'll never forget!

Over the last years I watched many Opening Ceremonies (but never really finished one) but this one was something special. My most favourite city in the world and its wonderful people on the centre of the world. 
The Show represented all the things I love about Great Britain. If I had to choose a country to live in either than my own, it would've been the UK!!!

When I read about all the places the Olympic flame had travelled I was very much aware of all the places I already saw in England, Scotland and Wales (I've never been to North Ireland) but also how many places I haven't seen! I have to chance that! J

Was für eine tolle Show!! Danny Boyle hat sich selbst übertroffen und ich bin sehr froh, dass ich die Möglichkeit hatte ihn, wenn auch nur kurz, an der Bühnentür des National Theatres in London kennen lernen zu dürfen. Ich werde das nie vergessen!!

In den letzten Jahren habe ich so manche Eröffnungsfeier gesehen, aber nie vollständig. Diese war eine ganz besondere für mich, spielte meine Lieblingshauptstadt und ihre wunderbaren Einwohner die Hauptrolle! Die Show repräsentierte alles, was ich an Großbritannien so liebe. 

Das olympische Feuer war ja rund um die Insel unterwegs und mir fiel auf, wie viele der Orte ich schon sehen durfte...aber viele habe ich auch noch nicht gesehen!! Das muss sich ändern!! 


Earth has not anything to show more fair: 

Dull would he be of soul who could pass by 
A sight so touching in its majesty; 
This City now doth, like a garment, wear 
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, 
Ships, towers, domes, theaters, and temples lie 
Open unto the fields, and to the sky; 
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. 
Never did sun more beautifully steep 
In his first splendor, valley, rock, or hill; 
Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! 
The river glideth at his own sweet will: 
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep; 
And all that mighty heart is lying still! 

William Wordsworth

Composed upon Westminster Bridge