Montag, 19. August 2013

Canterbury Cathedral

It was the third time I've been to Canterbury Cathedral and I'm always in awe about this amzing building. Words cannot describe it - you have to see it!

Es war das dritte Mal, dass ich die grandiose Kathedrale in Canterbury besuchen durfte! Es gibt einfach keine Worte, die nur annähernd beschreiben, was man empfindet, wenn man dieses Gebäude betritt. Man muss es einfach gesehen haben!

A few impressions...

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

More Impressions of Sandwich and The Secret Gardens

It was really hard not to make thousands of photos in Sandwich! It was so beautiful and we enjoyed it so much!


Es war echt hart, nicht tausende von Fotos in Sandwich zu schießen. Es war so herrlich und was hatten wir für einen Spaß!

St. Clement's Church, Sandwich

Sonntag, 11. August 2013

We came back to Sandwich... explore the wonderful


We've been really lucky, because the weather was amazing and a lot of wonderful flowers were blooming. There were a lot of tiny, hidden spaces where you could relax and read, think or draw. So lovely!! And it wasn't as busy as in Sissinhurst. A real treat for us Rambling Sisters! 

Wir Glückspilze! Das Wetter meinte es gut mit uns und die Frühlingssonne ließ eine Menge wunderschöner Blumen aufblühen. Sandwichs "Secret Gardens" war nicht so überfüllt und bot eine Menge kleiner Nischen und Orte in denen man entspannen, lesen oder gar zeichnen konnte! Gerade richtig für die Rambling Sisters! 

Mittwoch, 7. August 2013

Kent's stunning coast

What a wonderful sight to see...

Even if one saw the stunning cliffs of chalk before - it's always breathtakingly beautiful!

Kingsgate Bay

Cliffs at South Foreland

The Rambling Sister's Motto J

Botany Bay

Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013

More Impressions from Kent

On a beautiful, sunny afternoon we came to Sandwich, situated on the east coast of Kent. What a delight to stroll through the narrow street with all the wonderful timbered houses!

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013

Kent 2013

The Rambling Sisters have been to Kent this spring and we've been a lucky bunch indeed!
We had a marvellous Cottage - called "The Wing"...and a WING it was. A huge kitchen, a spacious living room, a lot of bedrooms and three baths...we felt like princesses!!

Our first trip led us to Sissinghurst! We wanted to visit the famous Kent Gardens and Sissinghurst is surely one of them! What a glorious day!!
